mardi 6 septembre 2016

Christian Eriksen signs new four-year Tottenham contract

The 24-year-old Denmark international is comprehended to have expanded his essential compensation from £35,000 to £70,000 every week - putting him among the club's top workers.

Eriksen had two years left to keep running on the five-year bargain he marked when he joined from Ajax in 2013.

Reports of an agreement wrangle in a few national daily papers, including requests from the player for as much as £150,000 a week, were as of late hammered by Eriksen's specialist Martin Schoots.

Schoots said "if cash were the most critical thing, he wouldn't have joined Tottenham three years prior" in light of the fact that "he had enthusiasm from a portion of the wealthiest clubs on the planet".

Eriksen has gotten to be one of Spurs' star players since marking for £12.5m as a component of a noteworthy enlistment pull under past brandishing executive Franco Baldini, scoring 32 objectives in 134 appearances.

The assaulting midfielder is one of just two players that still stay at the club from that redesign alongside Erik Lamela, whose agreement keeps running until 2019 after a choice being practiced to broaden his arrangement not long ago.

Goads are comprehended to be in examinations over new arrangements for goalkeeper Hugo Lloris and protector Jan Vertonghen, whose agreements lapse in 2019 and 2018 separately

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