mardi 6 septembre 2016

Mane quick to make Anfield impact

Adrian Clarke takes a gander at how tricky winger is switching Liverpool's make-up

Strategies master Adrian Clarke examinations five signings prone to change their new groups' style of play.

After Arsenal's Granit Xhaka, Everton's Idrissa Gana Gueye and Roberto Pereyra of Watford, he takes a gander at a distinct advantage marked by Jurgen Klopp.

Sadio Mane

From a visual point of view, Sadio Mane has changed the look of Klopp's Liverpool side.

With the enthusiastic Senegal winger on board the Reds can drag protectors out of position in a way they attempted to last term.

Amid his initial two away appearances of the season, at Emirates Stadium and White Hart Lane, Mane tormented the hosts with some immediate and deliberate forward play.

Working from the privilege yet driving inside from bizarre edges, the man purchased from Southampton can be unimaginably precarious to get. Getting goes on the half-turn in pockets of space, his slipperiness will give cerebral pains throughout the entire season.

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